Monday, November 30, 2009

blog test......jess and kayla.....

1.decendants of ppl from the european main land....
2.germanic tribes.....
5.firsdt great king of england.........
8.english nobles made him most powerful...
9.william got this name after his victory at the battl of hastings........
19.a peasant giel who claimed she heard from God...........
25.french king.......
26.strengthened the kings power inthe ile-de-france....... of frances most memorable kings.........
30.the pope.........
33.prince who married the princess and it united the 2kingdoms........
39.son of an italian merchant........
42.italian born adventurerplanned to voyage to the indies........
5.moors......... of a crusade to win back spain from the moors.........
11.hugh capet......
12.louis 6........
13.clergy nobles and commoner.......
14.iberian penn................
16.england and france,france won........................

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

13.1...........yea..i know right!

3.angles,saxons,and jutes....
5.early englaish ppl had parts of the bible in their own lang....
6.alfred.....he made and english code of law.........
8.he wanted to increase his own power.....he brought fuedalism to england...
9.influence in lang in and culture and politics......
10.henry 1......proised to end heavy taxation to nobles....

one of the four great nations...
wanderin poets.........
greatest saxon poem......
most influential church office in england....
group of vikings.....
northeastern portion of england.........
important town in southeastern brittian.......
became king of england........
english nobles made him king.....
williams win the battle of hastings.......
a count of ppl in the property....
a book bout the judgement day..............................................................

Monday, November 9, 2009

study guide....

fuedalism-way of life based on ownership and use of land.....
fief-land owned
lord-owned land,permitted anotherto ue it...
vassel-poor persoon allowed to use land,but was promised to serve in army...
knight-heavily armed warriors....
chivalry-code of conduct for the noblity of adn knights....
heradry-colorful ans unique symbols emblems asd designs on armor.......
castle-heavvily fortified dwelling built by nobles...
joust-2knights fight to knock eachother off their horses....
tournaments-groups of knights fight all day in a mock battle....
manor-states that belong to the nobles...
serf-farmers that worked on manors...
truce of God-forbade fighting fri-sun each week...
peace of God-priests denied sacamants to unworthy ppl...
burg-thraveling merchants...
middle class-burghers,btwn nobilty and peasants...
trade fair-became all the rage n europe,merchants came from all over....
guilds-merchants,artisains,and craftsmen..
black death-bubonic plague,flees on rats infected food and killed ppl that ate it....
chaucer-wrote canterbery tales,one the best poets at this time...
trivium-grammar,logic,and rhetoric...
scholasticism-theology,greek philosphy...
brethern of common life-christian group by gerdard groute,founded schoold for kids..
humanism-devotion to the study of humanity...
patron-ppl who used their own money to support art...
sistine chapel-michelangelo painted the ceiling....
medici-power family in europe...
thomas a-spoke slowly but had a brilliant mind...
william o-said bible was ultimate authority,and educated aat oxford....
john w-morning star of the reformantion,completed first translation of bible in english....
john h-roman church condemned him and burned him at the stakes...
gerard groute-organised the brethen of common life....
dante-wrote devine comedy...
petrarch-father of humanity...
michelangelo-considered the greatest artist of the renaissance...
flanders-low/lying region located in western belgum.....
machiavilli-wrote the prince...
giotto-inspired by the bible,tried to pait realistcally,covered amny church walls in italy....
da vinci-renaissance man,painter scuplor,muscian,enventor,enrineer...

Monday, November 2, 2009

medieval piccccccccssssssssssssssssssssssss


1.way of life based on the ownership of land....
2.the lord owned the land and the vassel had to be in his army to use the land....\
3.huge,had moat,drawbridge.....which kept ppl away.........
4.jousting,tourniments,and falconry....
5.they were the poor ppl.........didnt live in castles... fighting fri-sun.....and no sacraments if you did something wrong.................

way of life based on the ownership of land....
top of the feudal system.............
land used by the king..........
heavily armed warriors........
code of conduct for the nobility of knights.........
certain colorful nad unique symbols.........
states the belonged to the nobles.........
the lords fields.......