Tuesday, August 25, 2009

3.2 section review...

1. Canaan, Palistine, & Israel.......Judaism, Christianity, Islam....
2. Dan/northen & Beersheba/southern....
3. Msin highway to the anciet world...
4. Ten commandmants....
5. They became a theocracy..a nation ruled by God..
6. Phoenicians....
7. David & Soloman....Ark covenant & there was peace...
8. It was divided into 2 nations israel and judah..
9. 70AD...
Abraham-father of great nation....
Patriarch-founding fathers of the nation of israel...
Moses- one of the greatest men in world history....
Covenant- solom agreement...
Theocracy-nation ruled by God..
Alphabet-phenetic system of writing..
Sinai Script- first true alphabet....
Literacy-the ability to read and write one own lang........
721bc-sameria fell to assyrians...
586bc- jerusalem fell to babyloians.................

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