Monday, December 14, 2009

ummmm exam stuffff.......

-before christ................
-3 eras of history.......................
-tigirs and euphartes...........................
-post diluvian..................
-mt everest......................
-dead sea................
-mt horeb...............................
-38th paralell...........................
-south korea.........................
-north korea..........................
-marco polo......................
-great wall of china......................
-north east corner of africa................
-eygiptian tomb...........
-king tut......
-because it was unexplored.....
-polar ice caps......
-lake victoria......
-simon of cyrene.....
-climet of alexandria.......
-roman senate.....
-roman peace.........
-ceasar augustus......
-mt vesuvious......
-goefrey chaucer....
-black death....
-leonardo davinci....
-piece of land held by one man....
-estate that belonged to nobles....
-famous painting by davinci....

Thursday, December 10, 2009



1.many peasants converted to martin luthers preachings,they looked at him s there help from oppression,they rebelleed and the nobles crushe4d them..............
2.he gave lutherians until 1533 to come back to rome or face war....peace of augustburge..gave approval......
3.counter reformation,the inquisituion and the index........
5.they were completly dedicated to roman catholic church.........

-1st protestant confession of faith.....
-used to torture and obtain heritics......
-went to a shrine of mary and confessed his sin for three days........
-where rome made its strongest stand against the protestants...........

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

study g............

-northern europe....rebirth of learning of humanities,and classical texts....
-german lawyer,mastered hebrew lang, published the dictonary:fundamantals of hebreew....
-luthers bff,helped translate the bible into own lang.......wrote protestant confession of faith.......
-utopia,imaginary island containing perfact political system........
-translated bible into french.......
-desiderius erasus..........
-struggled with relihion and never felt forgiven.......
-he got struck by lightening and fell off his horse then cried out to st anne that if she saved him hed become a monk........
-subjected his boby to physical punishment ,never felt good enough,would lay face down at the alter........
-university of wittenburge..........
-corruption and worldliness..........
-romans 1:17
-paper that