Wednesday, December 9, 2009

study g............

-northern europe....rebirth of learning of humanities,and classical texts....
-german lawyer,mastered hebrew lang, published the dictonary:fundamantals of hebreew....
-luthers bff,helped translate the bible into own lang.......wrote protestant confession of faith.......
-utopia,imaginary island containing perfact political system........
-translated bible into french.......
-desiderius erasus..........
-struggled with relihion and never felt forgiven.......
-he got struck by lightening and fell off his horse then cried out to st anne that if she saved him hed become a monk........
-subjected his boby to physical punishment ,never felt good enough,would lay face down at the alter........
-university of wittenburge..........
-corruption and worldliness..........
-romans 1:17
-paper that

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