Monday, September 14, 2009

chapter 5.3 review.......

1.into 30 dynasties.....
2.khufu, menkaure, khafre.....
3.mentuhotept....joseph became prime minister of egypt..
4.ahmose....they were like hyksos....
5.hatshepset.... restablished its empire in asia during this period....thutmoseIII...his succesor may have been pharoah during hebrew exodus...
7.he decided to advance egypt at any cost....made them join with syria...he attempted to destroy israel....blahhhhhh
8.anwar....negotiated with israels prime minister......
1. where the 3 largest pyramids..
2.great sphinx....god with the head of a man and the bady of a lion....
3.the kings established their capitol at thebes...
4.asiatic warriors...
5.most outstanding monarch....
6.the most important city in alexaders empire.....
7.the old testiment was translated into greek.....
8.general that gain control of egypt after alexanders death..... of egyptian life and one of the great cities of arab world...
10.completed by french engineers.....
11.took over after sadat............

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