Tuesday, September 15, 2009


a.30 centuries..he was a god...and they had to preserve the body....
b.it prepared you for aternal life, they removed all your orga ebut your heart/....and they were called slicers........linen-bandages...priest-chief embalmer...salt-dry out your body....jars-for your organs...tools-clean and remove organs...oils-make skin smooth and smell good.....
c.liver,lungs, stomach, intestines....they stored them all in jars.....ewwwwwwwwwwwwww
d.you got stuffed/literally!..with sawdust,rags, and chaff.....
e.takes 15 days to wrap you and you need 20 layers of bandages...they would glue te bandages together,and used shrouds to hold it all together....if you were rich your stuff was burried with you.....
f.wooden coffins and if you were rich you got 3 inside eachother.....paintings...food,pets,clothes, slaves, gold,jewels.............
g.your taken there by boat and brought up to the tomb on a sledge.....priest,morners,burriers, food carriers, and ppl.......
h.they would tunnel to the tomb and they would take the foood,clothes, and gold and jewlsss......aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
well i didnt know nothing before. its all really grosssssssss to me. also it was eduacational. ummmmmim still alive soo i guess thats a good thing.. i thought it was ok......
wellll ummm i wouldnt wanna wait 70 days to be burried......i mean seriously!!!!just let the person die!!!!!!!!!i knew alil bit before but i didnt neeed to know all that.... it was ok though...i didnt haated it.....................

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