Friday, September 11, 2009

section review...chapter 5!!!!!!!!!!!blah.....

1. africa,saharah, and nile.....

2. mediterranian sea to the north.....saharah to west, and red sea to the east......

3. land of ham& seedbed of africain cultures.......

4. cultral diffusion.....

5. upper and lower egypt......lower=nile delta/upper=form delta near memphis....

6. sahara desert......

7. it was the greastest and most magnificent power in the ancient world....

8. it was a plentiful souece of building material,brick were made from mudd around the nile, papyrus plants grew around the nile.....

9. champollion....A broken slab of black basalt was found and had one message carved into threes different languages: heiroglyphics, demotic, and greek.....

10. Memphis and Thebes...

11. The pyramid....because the pharaohs were at the top, the priest and pharohs officials were on the side, and slaves and other members of Egyptian society....

12. The Egyptians worshipped in many gods and goddesses....They believed in the afterlife and man spent much of his life preparing his tomb for the afterlife...

1. Connected Africa to Asia...
2. ancient egyptians..
3. small states..
4. "father of history"...
5. At the mouth of the Nile...
6. Egyptian form of writing......
7. A book of prayers which was placed in the tombs to protect the spirits of the dead... of the dead...
9. one of the wonders of the world...
10. A teenage pharoh that died at 18.
11. preservation of the bodies of the dead...

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