Thursday, September 17, 2009

study guide.......

key terms-
sahara-worlds largest desert....
nlie-longest river....
egypt-northest corner of africa and the seedbed of africian culture....
mizraim-most ancient name of egypt,name of one of hams sons...
land of ham-what the bible calls egypt....
nomes-egypts small states....
pharaohs-strong rulers,divided nomes into upper and lower egypt.....
menes-1st pharaoh of egypt,united upper and lower egypt,became known as kingdom of the two lands....
the gift of the nile-herodotus called egypt this....
hieroglyphics-the way they wrote and had over 700 charactors...
book of the dead-most important egyptian work,thtey burried it woth the dead....
memphis-known as noph,and 12m south of cairo....
thebes-city of the dead,450m south of cairo,vast necropolis......
necropolis-city of the dead....
pyramid-best symbolises the egyptian gov....
monarchy/theocracy-egypts gov. 'god-king'......
humanism-worship of man....
natralism-worship of nature...
polytheism-worship of many gods....
egyptain tomb-man spent much of his life preparing for his tomb,they were houses for eternity..
great pyramid of cheops-one of world wonders,took 100,000 worker almost 20 yrs to build....
king tut-teen pharaoh that dies at 18....tomb was full of treasures.....
mummifacation-persevatio n of bodies of the dead....
30dynasties-ancient egyptian history is divided...
old kingdom-3-6dynastys,3 imprtant monarchs:choeps,khafre,menkaure....
pyramid of giza-built by the ppl above...
great sphinx-head of man, body of lion,bears the likeness of khafre...
middle kingdom-11th dynasty,king mentuhotep1,establish capitol at thebes....
king mentuhotep1-established capitol at thebes....
hyksos-asiatic worriors-conquerd the middle kingdom
ahmose1-dove them out of egypt...
new kingdom-18-20dynasty..king ahmose1....
hatshepshut-only chick pharaoh and maybe moses mommy...
amenhotep2-tuts sonmay have been pharaoh during exodus....
later new kingdom-ramses 2 most outstanding monarch......
ramses2-most outstanding monarch......
alexander the great-conquered egypt in 332bc.....
alexandria-became the most important city to his empire.....
light house of alexandria-one of the wonders of the ancient world......

the turks rules egypt during ww1
suex canal-french engineers were responisble off that..
gamel abdel nassar-socialist and arab nationalist....

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