Friday, October 30, 2009

chapter 10 test...................

1.1st great leader of the byzintine empire....
2.justians wife.....
5.he was behind the iconoclastic controvercys.....
10.pored into asia minor during 14th century....
1.south corner of eastern euro...........and the capitol of the eastern empire..... of the most famous orthodox churchees.....
1.christianity was a dominat religion in the world....
3.simular to the flame thrower..........
4.abstract simplified image....
1.great trade,strong navy, principles of law and order,and element of morality and viture.....
they everything to survive and have a successful empire.......

chapter 9 test....

1.messiah-anointed one....
5.domitian-2cnd great persecution erupted under his rule...
9.marcus aurelius-hated christians and the 4th greatest persecution was under him...
13.irenaeus-wrote against all heresies....
17.origen-chritian philosopher..
21. maximian,diocletian-emperors in the 10th persecution...
25.aristides-christian apolgist of the early church...
29.athanasius-argued the true diety of christ with the counsil f nicaea...
33.theodosius1-he liked christianity and ruled that it would be the only religion in the roman empire.....

1.where they read the old testiment scripture in hebrew and aramaic....
2.non-jews and converts....
5.vast,subterraen galleries beneth rome.....
6.extended legal protection to christians.....
7.teachers and preachers.....
8.those who defend christianity....
9.denyed the doctrine of the trinity.....
11.confessions of faith...
12.earliest creed adn was developed in the 2cnd and 5th centuries....,adoptd by the counsil of nicaea,and rejected the teachiing of arianism.....,a confession of faith.... rejected the teaching of arianism....,it was a doctrine that denyed the diety of christ....

4.christians got persecuted and were unable to spread the gospel.....

Thursday, October 29, 2009


2.paul was beheaded and peter was crucified upside down...
3.domitian-they refused to pray to him...john
4.vast subterrannean galleries beneth the city of rome...christians hide in them....
6.justin marytr and blandina....
7.septimius severus-iraneaus,felicitas,perpetua......
8.valerian and aurelian.....cyprian.....
9.he outlawed christianity and ordered a systematic search that swept away 100s of biblical manuscripts....his goal was to eradicate christianity from the face of the earth....
10.edict of milan.....313...

written by john while he was exiled...
aged bishop of smyrna....
6th came with his rule.....
the 7th persecution came with his rule....
christian philosopher....he extended protaction and recongnition to christians.............................

Monday, October 26, 2009

restricted nations......

-nations that are restricted in religion.......

-asia,europe,and africa.....

-nigeria,hostile muslim nation.....algeria,war.....turkey,islam.....jordan,hostile.....iran,islam.....afgan,illegal......
5.voice of martyrs.....
6.US,canada,costa rica,peru,nigeria,italy,germany,belgum,netherlands,UK,CR,sweden,finland,poland....
7.Volunteering, telling people about it, and giving....
8. Pastor Richard Wurmbrand

Religious persecution in Eritrea
The people who practiced minority faiths were persecuted according to human rights groups. If you wanted to worship, groups would have to submit information about themselves to the government.

World: Asia-Pacific
Burma denies religious persecution
The people from the Naga ethnic minority fled into India on account of persecution in Burma. The military goverment in Burma denies any acts of persecution.

State Department Praises Jordan, Qatar for Progress on Religious Freedom
The state department praises Jordan, Qatar, and Egypt for its progress on religious freedom. While there is progress there, there is still persecution going on all over the world.

Messianic Jews Complain of Persecution in Israel The Messianic Jews are getting persecuted for their belif that Jesus was the Messiah. There are complaints of threats and harrasement. Bombings occur as well as a mysterious fire that burned down a Jewish church.

Chin ppl are persecuted,christains living the mountains,they are being persecuted by the countries military for being christains........

the internet allows ppl to know about the issues and pray about them.....

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


new testiment......
life of new testiment....

new testiment....

new testiment.....

st.john.... blahhhhh yea they are all the same name................................................................................................................

section review....1

1. it was during the pax romana,so the word could travel quickely.....there ws no opossition.ppl were able to travel many miles without being hurt....
2.Herod the great...
3.the apostles....
5.testimony and love of early christians.....
local place of worship for jews...
non jews....
anointed one...
local assymblies nad bodies of believers.........................

Friday, October 16, 2009


1.rome won....
2.hannible and the battle of cannae....
3.scipio...rome won....
4.roman allies attacked. rome won.....
5.133 BC......
6. people demanded economic, political, and social reforms. good............
7. marius and sulla...each side pledged to their leaders...
8. caesar,marius,cassius.....the senates became afraid of caesars growign power,they wanted to overthow him.....
9.julian calender....march 15 44bc...stabbed to death...


1.the latins....
2.etruscans,greeks,gauls,carthingeans....greeks duhh
4.they had similar gods...pantheon..
5.509bc....they were ruled by kings...then the nobles of rome....
6.electorate..and consuls....all ppl able to vote and cheif executives...
7.they had an offical plebiean assymboly...concilium plebis...
italys cheif city...
common market..
rich pppl..........
everybody else....
military units....
interasts of the ppl...
all ppl can vote...
plebiean assymboly...
made roman law accessable to all ppl..

Monday, October 5, 2009


1.philipII & hellenic league wanted to contain a considerable degree of government......
3.alexander crossed hellespont to begin his conquest...he died.....
4.the spread of greek culture....
5. ipsus,ptolomes,seleucides....

northern fringes of ancient greece.
urged his fellow greeks to unite against a threat.
phillips son
alexander named 16 od greek cities after himself
it was a battle.................

7.2 review..................blahhhhhh

1.monarchy....council of elders and assembly.....
2.ruled by the best/rule by the few....aristocracy,oligary,and tyranny,democracy....
3.rule by many or common ppl....women,slaves,and men born outside coouldint be in it... was ruling, middle, and slaves....boys began training at7,girl were trained strenuously,they had extensive governmental regimantation...
5.dracos laws were merciless and solons were merciful.....solons were better because it was nicer......
6.percils-brought demorcracy to its fullest....golden age of greece....
7.the greek cities expected more trouble from the persains,it bacame an athenian empire...
8.greece was split was oligarchy and the other was demorcracy....thebes delivered a defeat to sparta and greek city states became independent...

an alliance with corinth, megara, and other cities in the peloponnesian league....
met on a hill....
a noble man aspiring to office..
imerged as the new champion of the common ppl.........
vote to bannish for 10yrs a dangerous person....
citzens elect a few men who rep....
they made the big decisions for government..........

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Ancient Greece

Family Life:The husband in Greek homes was the head of the household, but the wife ran the household and supervised the slaves. Most Greek parents arranged the weddings for their children. Girls got married in their mid-teens and men got married in their 30’s .

Clothing: Men and women of Greece wore belted garments of wool or linen called a chiton. The men’s garments hung to the knees where as women’s went down to their ankles. Their main footwear was sandals.

Food: Ancient Greeks mainly ate olives, cereal, grains, fruits, and vegetables. They also used goats for milk, and sheep for wool and meat. They ate fish which came from the surrounding oceans. The Greeks ate wheat, and barley.

Entertainment: Ancient Greeks played many sports and held fesutivals for their gods and goddesses.

Military: Ancient Greeks invented the use of technology in warfare. It is the base of military superiority of the civilization of the West.

Government: Greek governments were divided into monarchies, oligarchies, tyrannies and democracies.

Social Life: They talked and walked around Greece.

Education: Children started education at age seven. In Sparta, boys were given military training from ages seven to twenty to prepare them for service in the army. Girls also were required to train physically. They believed strong women produced strong babies.