Monday, October 26, 2009

restricted nations......

-nations that are restricted in religion.......

-asia,europe,and africa.....

-nigeria,hostile muslim nation.....algeria,war.....turkey,islam.....jordan,hostile.....iran,islam.....afgan,illegal......
5.voice of martyrs.....
6.US,canada,costa rica,peru,nigeria,italy,germany,belgum,netherlands,UK,CR,sweden,finland,poland....
7.Volunteering, telling people about it, and giving....
8. Pastor Richard Wurmbrand

Religious persecution in Eritrea
The people who practiced minority faiths were persecuted according to human rights groups. If you wanted to worship, groups would have to submit information about themselves to the government.

World: Asia-Pacific
Burma denies religious persecution
The people from the Naga ethnic minority fled into India on account of persecution in Burma. The military goverment in Burma denies any acts of persecution.

State Department Praises Jordan, Qatar for Progress on Religious Freedom
The state department praises Jordan, Qatar, and Egypt for its progress on religious freedom. While there is progress there, there is still persecution going on all over the world.

Messianic Jews Complain of Persecution in Israel The Messianic Jews are getting persecuted for their belif that Jesus was the Messiah. There are complaints of threats and harrasement. Bombings occur as well as a mysterious fire that burned down a Jewish church.

Chin ppl are persecuted,christains living the mountains,they are being persecuted by the countries military for being christains........

the internet allows ppl to know about the issues and pray about them.....

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