Friday, October 30, 2009

chapter 9 test....

1.messiah-anointed one....
5.domitian-2cnd great persecution erupted under his rule...
9.marcus aurelius-hated christians and the 4th greatest persecution was under him...
13.irenaeus-wrote against all heresies....
17.origen-chritian philosopher..
21. maximian,diocletian-emperors in the 10th persecution...
25.aristides-christian apolgist of the early church...
29.athanasius-argued the true diety of christ with the counsil f nicaea...
33.theodosius1-he liked christianity and ruled that it would be the only religion in the roman empire.....

1.where they read the old testiment scripture in hebrew and aramaic....
2.non-jews and converts....
5.vast,subterraen galleries beneth rome.....
6.extended legal protection to christians.....
7.teachers and preachers.....
8.those who defend christianity....
9.denyed the doctrine of the trinity.....
11.confessions of faith...
12.earliest creed adn was developed in the 2cnd and 5th centuries....,adoptd by the counsil of nicaea,and rejected the teachiing of arianism.....,a confession of faith.... rejected the teaching of arianism....,it was a doctrine that denyed the diety of christ....

4.christians got persecuted and were unable to spread the gospel.....

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