Thursday, October 29, 2009


2.paul was beheaded and peter was crucified upside down...
3.domitian-they refused to pray to him...john
4.vast subterrannean galleries beneth the city of rome...christians hide in them....
6.justin marytr and blandina....
7.septimius severus-iraneaus,felicitas,perpetua......
8.valerian and aurelian.....cyprian.....
9.he outlawed christianity and ordered a systematic search that swept away 100s of biblical manuscripts....his goal was to eradicate christianity from the face of the earth....
10.edict of milan.....313...

written by john while he was exiled...
aged bishop of smyrna....
6th came with his rule.....
the 7th persecution came with his rule....
christian philosopher....he extended protaction and recongnition to christians.............................

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