Monday, October 5, 2009

7.2 review..................blahhhhhh

1.monarchy....council of elders and assembly.....
2.ruled by the best/rule by the few....aristocracy,oligary,and tyranny,democracy....
3.rule by many or common ppl....women,slaves,and men born outside coouldint be in it... was ruling, middle, and slaves....boys began training at7,girl were trained strenuously,they had extensive governmental regimantation...
5.dracos laws were merciless and solons were merciful.....solons were better because it was nicer......
6.percils-brought demorcracy to its fullest....golden age of greece....
7.the greek cities expected more trouble from the persains,it bacame an athenian empire...
8.greece was split was oligarchy and the other was demorcracy....thebes delivered a defeat to sparta and greek city states became independent...

an alliance with corinth, megara, and other cities in the peloponnesian league....
met on a hill....
a noble man aspiring to office..
imerged as the new champion of the common ppl.........
vote to bannish for 10yrs a dangerous person....
citzens elect a few men who rep....
they made the big decisions for government..........

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