Monday, December 14, 2009

ummmm exam stuffff.......

-before christ................
-3 eras of history.......................
-tigirs and euphartes...........................
-post diluvian..................
-mt everest......................
-dead sea................
-mt horeb...............................
-38th paralell...........................
-south korea.........................
-north korea..........................
-marco polo......................
-great wall of china......................
-north east corner of africa................
-eygiptian tomb...........
-king tut......
-because it was unexplored.....
-polar ice caps......
-lake victoria......
-simon of cyrene.....
-climet of alexandria.......
-roman senate.....
-roman peace.........
-ceasar augustus......
-mt vesuvious......
-goefrey chaucer....
-black death....
-leonardo davinci....
-piece of land held by one man....
-estate that belonged to nobles....
-famous painting by davinci....

Thursday, December 10, 2009



1.many peasants converted to martin luthers preachings,they looked at him s there help from oppression,they rebelleed and the nobles crushe4d them..............
2.he gave lutherians until 1533 to come back to rome or face war....peace of augustburge..gave approval......
3.counter reformation,the inquisituion and the index........
5.they were completly dedicated to roman catholic church.........

-1st protestant confession of faith.....
-used to torture and obtain heritics......
-went to a shrine of mary and confessed his sin for three days........
-where rome made its strongest stand against the protestants...........

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

study g............

-northern europe....rebirth of learning of humanities,and classical texts....
-german lawyer,mastered hebrew lang, published the dictonary:fundamantals of hebreew....
-luthers bff,helped translate the bible into own lang.......wrote protestant confession of faith.......
-utopia,imaginary island containing perfact political system........
-translated bible into french.......
-desiderius erasus..........
-struggled with relihion and never felt forgiven.......
-he got struck by lightening and fell off his horse then cried out to st anne that if she saved him hed become a monk........
-subjected his boby to physical punishment ,never felt good enough,would lay face down at the alter........
-university of wittenburge..........
-corruption and worldliness..........
-romans 1:17
-paper that

Monday, November 30, 2009

blog test......jess and kayla.....

1.decendants of ppl from the european main land....
2.germanic tribes.....
5.firsdt great king of england.........
8.english nobles made him most powerful...
9.william got this name after his victory at the battl of hastings........
19.a peasant giel who claimed she heard from God...........
25.french king.......
26.strengthened the kings power inthe ile-de-france....... of frances most memorable kings.........
30.the pope.........
33.prince who married the princess and it united the 2kingdoms........
39.son of an italian merchant........
42.italian born adventurerplanned to voyage to the indies........
5.moors......... of a crusade to win back spain from the moors.........
11.hugh capet......
12.louis 6........
13.clergy nobles and commoner.......
14.iberian penn................
16.england and france,france won........................

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

13.1...........yea..i know right!

3.angles,saxons,and jutes....
5.early englaish ppl had parts of the bible in their own lang....
6.alfred.....he made and english code of law.........
8.he wanted to increase his own power.....he brought fuedalism to england...
9.influence in lang in and culture and politics......
10.henry 1......proised to end heavy taxation to nobles....

one of the four great nations...
wanderin poets.........
greatest saxon poem......
most influential church office in england....
group of vikings.....
northeastern portion of england.........
important town in southeastern brittian.......
became king of england........
english nobles made him king.....
williams win the battle of hastings.......
a count of ppl in the property....
a book bout the judgement day..............................................................

Monday, November 9, 2009

study guide....

fuedalism-way of life based on ownership and use of land.....
fief-land owned
lord-owned land,permitted anotherto ue it...
vassel-poor persoon allowed to use land,but was promised to serve in army...
knight-heavily armed warriors....
chivalry-code of conduct for the noblity of adn knights....
heradry-colorful ans unique symbols emblems asd designs on armor.......
castle-heavvily fortified dwelling built by nobles...
joust-2knights fight to knock eachother off their horses....
tournaments-groups of knights fight all day in a mock battle....
manor-states that belong to the nobles...
serf-farmers that worked on manors...
truce of God-forbade fighting fri-sun each week...
peace of God-priests denied sacamants to unworthy ppl...
burg-thraveling merchants...
middle class-burghers,btwn nobilty and peasants...
trade fair-became all the rage n europe,merchants came from all over....
guilds-merchants,artisains,and craftsmen..
black death-bubonic plague,flees on rats infected food and killed ppl that ate it....
chaucer-wrote canterbery tales,one the best poets at this time...
trivium-grammar,logic,and rhetoric...
scholasticism-theology,greek philosphy...
brethern of common life-christian group by gerdard groute,founded schoold for kids..
humanism-devotion to the study of humanity...
patron-ppl who used their own money to support art...
sistine chapel-michelangelo painted the ceiling....
medici-power family in europe...
thomas a-spoke slowly but had a brilliant mind...
william o-said bible was ultimate authority,and educated aat oxford....
john w-morning star of the reformantion,completed first translation of bible in english....
john h-roman church condemned him and burned him at the stakes...
gerard groute-organised the brethen of common life....
dante-wrote devine comedy...
petrarch-father of humanity...
michelangelo-considered the greatest artist of the renaissance...
flanders-low/lying region located in western belgum.....
machiavilli-wrote the prince...
giotto-inspired by the bible,tried to pait realistcally,covered amny church walls in italy....
da vinci-renaissance man,painter scuplor,muscian,enventor,enrineer...

Monday, November 2, 2009

medieval piccccccccssssssssssssssssssssssss


1.way of life based on the ownership of land....
2.the lord owned the land and the vassel had to be in his army to use the land....\
3.huge,had moat,drawbridge.....which kept ppl away.........
4.jousting,tourniments,and falconry....
5.they were the poor ppl.........didnt live in castles... fighting fri-sun.....and no sacraments if you did something wrong.................

way of life based on the ownership of land....
top of the feudal system.............
land used by the king..........
heavily armed warriors........
code of conduct for the nobility of knights.........
certain colorful nad unique symbols.........
states the belonged to the nobles.........
the lords fields.......

Friday, October 30, 2009

chapter 10 test...................

1.1st great leader of the byzintine empire....
2.justians wife.....
5.he was behind the iconoclastic controvercys.....
10.pored into asia minor during 14th century....
1.south corner of eastern euro...........and the capitol of the eastern empire..... of the most famous orthodox churchees.....
1.christianity was a dominat religion in the world....
3.simular to the flame thrower..........
4.abstract simplified image....
1.great trade,strong navy, principles of law and order,and element of morality and viture.....
they everything to survive and have a successful empire.......

chapter 9 test....

1.messiah-anointed one....
5.domitian-2cnd great persecution erupted under his rule...
9.marcus aurelius-hated christians and the 4th greatest persecution was under him...
13.irenaeus-wrote against all heresies....
17.origen-chritian philosopher..
21. maximian,diocletian-emperors in the 10th persecution...
25.aristides-christian apolgist of the early church...
29.athanasius-argued the true diety of christ with the counsil f nicaea...
33.theodosius1-he liked christianity and ruled that it would be the only religion in the roman empire.....

1.where they read the old testiment scripture in hebrew and aramaic....
2.non-jews and converts....
5.vast,subterraen galleries beneth rome.....
6.extended legal protection to christians.....
7.teachers and preachers.....
8.those who defend christianity....
9.denyed the doctrine of the trinity.....
11.confessions of faith...
12.earliest creed adn was developed in the 2cnd and 5th centuries....,adoptd by the counsil of nicaea,and rejected the teachiing of arianism.....,a confession of faith.... rejected the teaching of arianism....,it was a doctrine that denyed the diety of christ....

4.christians got persecuted and were unable to spread the gospel.....

Thursday, October 29, 2009


2.paul was beheaded and peter was crucified upside down...
3.domitian-they refused to pray to him...john
4.vast subterrannean galleries beneth the city of rome...christians hide in them....
6.justin marytr and blandina....
7.septimius severus-iraneaus,felicitas,perpetua......
8.valerian and aurelian.....cyprian.....
9.he outlawed christianity and ordered a systematic search that swept away 100s of biblical manuscripts....his goal was to eradicate christianity from the face of the earth....
10.edict of milan.....313...

written by john while he was exiled...
aged bishop of smyrna....
6th came with his rule.....
the 7th persecution came with his rule....
christian philosopher....he extended protaction and recongnition to christians.............................

Monday, October 26, 2009

restricted nations......

-nations that are restricted in religion.......

-asia,europe,and africa.....

-nigeria,hostile muslim nation.....algeria,war.....turkey,islam.....jordan,hostile.....iran,islam.....afgan,illegal......
5.voice of martyrs.....
6.US,canada,costa rica,peru,nigeria,italy,germany,belgum,netherlands,UK,CR,sweden,finland,poland....
7.Volunteering, telling people about it, and giving....
8. Pastor Richard Wurmbrand

Religious persecution in Eritrea
The people who practiced minority faiths were persecuted according to human rights groups. If you wanted to worship, groups would have to submit information about themselves to the government.

World: Asia-Pacific
Burma denies religious persecution
The people from the Naga ethnic minority fled into India on account of persecution in Burma. The military goverment in Burma denies any acts of persecution.

State Department Praises Jordan, Qatar for Progress on Religious Freedom
The state department praises Jordan, Qatar, and Egypt for its progress on religious freedom. While there is progress there, there is still persecution going on all over the world.

Messianic Jews Complain of Persecution in Israel The Messianic Jews are getting persecuted for their belif that Jesus was the Messiah. There are complaints of threats and harrasement. Bombings occur as well as a mysterious fire that burned down a Jewish church.

Chin ppl are persecuted,christains living the mountains,they are being persecuted by the countries military for being christains........

the internet allows ppl to know about the issues and pray about them.....

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


new testiment......
life of new testiment....

new testiment....

new testiment.....

st.john.... blahhhhh yea they are all the same name................................................................................................................

section review....1

1. it was during the pax romana,so the word could travel quickely.....there ws no opossition.ppl were able to travel many miles without being hurt....
2.Herod the great...
3.the apostles....
5.testimony and love of early christians.....
local place of worship for jews...
non jews....
anointed one...
local assymblies nad bodies of believers.........................

Friday, October 16, 2009


1.rome won....
2.hannible and the battle of cannae....
3.scipio...rome won....
4.roman allies attacked. rome won.....
5.133 BC......
6. people demanded economic, political, and social reforms. good............
7. marius and sulla...each side pledged to their leaders...
8. caesar,marius,cassius.....the senates became afraid of caesars growign power,they wanted to overthow him.....
9.julian calender....march 15 44bc...stabbed to death...


1.the latins....
2.etruscans,greeks,gauls,carthingeans....greeks duhh
4.they had similar gods...pantheon..
5.509bc....they were ruled by kings...then the nobles of rome....
6.electorate..and consuls....all ppl able to vote and cheif executives...
7.they had an offical plebiean assymboly...concilium plebis...
italys cheif city...
common market..
rich pppl..........
everybody else....
military units....
interasts of the ppl...
all ppl can vote...
plebiean assymboly...
made roman law accessable to all ppl..

Monday, October 5, 2009


1.philipII & hellenic league wanted to contain a considerable degree of government......
3.alexander crossed hellespont to begin his conquest...he died.....
4.the spread of greek culture....
5. ipsus,ptolomes,seleucides....

northern fringes of ancient greece.
urged his fellow greeks to unite against a threat.
phillips son
alexander named 16 od greek cities after himself
it was a battle.................

7.2 review..................blahhhhhh

1.monarchy....council of elders and assembly.....
2.ruled by the best/rule by the few....aristocracy,oligary,and tyranny,democracy....
3.rule by many or common ppl....women,slaves,and men born outside coouldint be in it... was ruling, middle, and slaves....boys began training at7,girl were trained strenuously,they had extensive governmental regimantation...
5.dracos laws were merciless and solons were merciful.....solons were better because it was nicer......
6.percils-brought demorcracy to its fullest....golden age of greece....
7.the greek cities expected more trouble from the persains,it bacame an athenian empire...
8.greece was split was oligarchy and the other was demorcracy....thebes delivered a defeat to sparta and greek city states became independent...

an alliance with corinth, megara, and other cities in the peloponnesian league....
met on a hill....
a noble man aspiring to office..
imerged as the new champion of the common ppl.........
vote to bannish for 10yrs a dangerous person....
citzens elect a few men who rep....
they made the big decisions for government..........

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Ancient Greece

Family Life:The husband in Greek homes was the head of the household, but the wife ran the household and supervised the slaves. Most Greek parents arranged the weddings for their children. Girls got married in their mid-teens and men got married in their 30’s .

Clothing: Men and women of Greece wore belted garments of wool or linen called a chiton. The men’s garments hung to the knees where as women’s went down to their ankles. Their main footwear was sandals.

Food: Ancient Greeks mainly ate olives, cereal, grains, fruits, and vegetables. They also used goats for milk, and sheep for wool and meat. They ate fish which came from the surrounding oceans. The Greeks ate wheat, and barley.

Entertainment: Ancient Greeks played many sports and held fesutivals for their gods and goddesses.

Military: Ancient Greeks invented the use of technology in warfare. It is the base of military superiority of the civilization of the West.

Government: Greek governments were divided into monarchies, oligarchies, tyrannies and democracies.

Social Life: They talked and walked around Greece.

Education: Children started education at age seven. In Sparta, boys were given military training from ages seven to twenty to prepare them for service in the army. Girls also were required to train physically. They believed strong women produced strong babies.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


black,agean,ionian,and gulf of corinth....

aegeans,myceninains,and minoans

minoans-king mino....

dorians,and hellenes

homer and his adventures...


city,surrounded a hilltop fortresss....

athens,erthia,and sparta...


the greeks held off persians then they had a traitor....

placed a limitt on expansoin....


city on a hilltop

prominate region on greece...
another prominant region in greece.
bc myceneians bstroyed troy..
brave greek warrior...
where gods lived....

ummmm gamage.....

greek gamage.....

well the time line was easy...
sparta-mountains,mother,young girls,stealing,soilder,tree,trembler,young boy...
athens-hoplite,young boy, house,young girl,pnyx,acropolis,parthenon,olive tree....
well we played together and we got a 7..............................yea!woooohooo

Monday, September 28, 2009

study guide...

desersts-covers 2/5 of africa...
sahara-kalahari-northwest /southwest....
savanna-land charactorised by wet and dry seasons and cover by grasses and shrubs...
atlas mountain range-africas longeest mountain range...
mt kilimanjaro-africas tallest mountain...
nile river-longest river..........
lake victoria-largest lake...
great rift valley-largest rift in the earths surface...
african history-
after the flood...
ebed melech-helped jeremiah after he was cast into prison....
unamed etheopian-most famous cushite in world,first african cushit to be christian....
adesius & frementius-preached the gospel,brought christianity to africa,and ship wrecked and taken to ethiopia...
alexandria,egypt-home of climit of egypt....
cyrene,libyia-influential cities of christianity....
carthage,tunisia-city of early chuch fathers.....
simon of cyrene-carried the cross for jesus...
clemete of alexandria-

wrote the oldest surviving christian hynm...
sea trade-iron,ivory,and gold for porcilen,precious stones and
inland trade-ghana-arabs,gold,ivory,adn slaves for cooper salt and dried fruit...
mali empire-1200-1500
timbuktu-important trading center...
songhia empire-dominated west africa and monopolized sahara...
white mans grave-africa was named that because of all the sicknesses..
mungo park-traced most of the niger river...
hugh clapperton-1st euro to cross sahara...
alexader laing-1st to oreach timbuktu..
robert moffatt-one of 1st minsionaries to africa....
david livingstone-1st to see victoria falls...
euro rule-during ww1 only 2 african states were independent...
progress-? law and order,skools founded,rooads and railroads,hospitals,and new cities...
1950-1960-move toward independence from euros...
general idi amin-siezed power in uganda,devote muslim.....

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


1-ppl findn stufff
2-bulls eye on there heads...weird!
3-lions are debating on whether to eat the ppl...they hungery.....
4-fake city.....
5-shadow lake...horror movie...
6-2bugs on the back of 1 big one....
the real meanimgs.....
1-ach.examine fossils.....
2-women revealn stufff by wearn jewlery....

3-tourist watch 2 lions.....
4-nicorabi...largest city in africa......
5-lake victoria...
6-the flag..........
////////////////////////////////////we done///////////////....................................................

ummmm...kenya stuff

a.indian ocean, mountains,plateaus,east africa and coastal plain.....
b.east africa and nairobi.....
c.great rift valley.....
d.all the african animals...and the govrnment set up a reserve to protect them....
e.indian ocean and victora......may ethnic groups and trade!.....
f.original birth place of humans............
g.1600-1700 they were kidnapped adn 19th century it was outlawed....
h.60 and 40...... is free and kids were too bizzzzy to go............... and storeytelln...............
k.bungle and judicary......
l.republic of kenya,republic,swahili,and english,33830000....
m.shiling,aberdare range...mau escapeeee????idk how to spelll it!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

africa gamage......

155seconds......yea played together............................
um yea it was hard and we died.........seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!!ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Monday, September 21, 2009

africa map gamage.........................


chapter 6 review1.................

1.2/5.....sahara and kalaharia....north west and south west........sahara.....
3.victoria and the nile...
4.the great rift valley....]
identify......................................................... before it was explored.
2.vast tracks of land charactorized by wwet and dry seasons....
3.worlds longest and second deepest lake..........
.......................................................................................................................short and sweeeeeetttttttttt

Thursday, September 17, 2009

study guide.......

key terms-
sahara-worlds largest desert....
nlie-longest river....
egypt-northest corner of africa and the seedbed of africian culture....
mizraim-most ancient name of egypt,name of one of hams sons...
land of ham-what the bible calls egypt....
nomes-egypts small states....
pharaohs-strong rulers,divided nomes into upper and lower egypt.....
menes-1st pharaoh of egypt,united upper and lower egypt,became known as kingdom of the two lands....
the gift of the nile-herodotus called egypt this....
hieroglyphics-the way they wrote and had over 700 charactors...
book of the dead-most important egyptian work,thtey burried it woth the dead....
memphis-known as noph,and 12m south of cairo....
thebes-city of the dead,450m south of cairo,vast necropolis......
necropolis-city of the dead....
pyramid-best symbolises the egyptian gov....
monarchy/theocracy-egypts gov. 'god-king'......
humanism-worship of man....
natralism-worship of nature...
polytheism-worship of many gods....
egyptain tomb-man spent much of his life preparing for his tomb,they were houses for eternity..
great pyramid of cheops-one of world wonders,took 100,000 worker almost 20 yrs to build....
king tut-teen pharaoh that dies at 18....tomb was full of treasures.....
mummifacation-persevatio n of bodies of the dead....
30dynasties-ancient egyptian history is divided...
old kingdom-3-6dynastys,3 imprtant monarchs:choeps,khafre,menkaure....
pyramid of giza-built by the ppl above...
great sphinx-head of man, body of lion,bears the likeness of khafre...
middle kingdom-11th dynasty,king mentuhotep1,establish capitol at thebes....
king mentuhotep1-established capitol at thebes....
hyksos-asiatic worriors-conquerd the middle kingdom
ahmose1-dove them out of egypt...
new kingdom-18-20dynasty..king ahmose1....
hatshepshut-only chick pharaoh and maybe moses mommy...
amenhotep2-tuts sonmay have been pharaoh during exodus....
later new kingdom-ramses 2 most outstanding monarch......
ramses2-most outstanding monarch......
alexander the great-conquered egypt in 332bc.....
alexandria-became the most important city to his empire.....
light house of alexandria-one of the wonders of the ancient world......

the turks rules egypt during ww1
suex canal-french engineers were responisble off that..
gamel abdel nassar-socialist and arab nationalist....

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


a.armored tanks and insects and small fish...
b.bellowos and guys today....
c.hole in a river bank...
d.25-80 eggs and yes she watches them....
e.high pitch sound.... her mouth and carries them to the water....
g.basking in the sun...
i.80yrs nad webbed feet... rivers........ is narrow nad one is rounded....
l.propel themselves through the water....
m.seafood and all sorts of mammals....
n.hippos,lions,giaffas,and humans....
o.highly developed brain...
p.hepls digest.............


-ships goin down the nile...
-soome old woman stealing some green thing and kids watching her do it....
-camel with a weird hat..poor lil buddy.....
-a city....
-some chicks gettin some water...
-a flag......
-large ships down suex canal..
-shoopers walk through open air market....
-camel stands near pyramids...
-crowded cairo...
-2 women fiflln their juggs...
-egyptian flag......

national g........... inch of rain falls in egypt a year....without the nile it would be a desert......
b.upper and lower..........
c.southern-low mountains and deserts....northern-valleys and deserts....
d.cheetas, hyenas, cobras, and crocs......wetland ,coastal areas, deserts..........
f.8000 years ago...and 3000bc
h.31bc and 640bc........
i.british,suez canal,and 1952.........
k.beacause most ppl live in narrow strips along the nile, not enough room.....
l.they hepl look after the farm and their parents...
n.tourism cause of the pyramids.... republic of egypt....
q.78,000,000....and arabic....

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


a.30 centuries..he was a god...and they had to preserve the body.... prepared you for aternal life, they removed all your orga ebut your heart/....and they were called slicers........linen-bandages...priest-chief embalmer...salt-dry out your body....jars-for your and remove organs...oils-make skin smooth and smell good.....
c.liver,lungs, stomach, intestines....they stored them all in jars.....ewwwwwwwwwwwwww got stuffed/literally!..with sawdust,rags, and chaff.....
e.takes 15 days to wrap you and you need 20 layers of bandages...they would glue te bandages together,and used shrouds to hold it all together....if you were rich your stuff was burried with you.....
f.wooden coffins and if you were rich you got 3 inside,pets,clothes, slaves, gold,jewels.............
g.your taken there by boat and brought up to the tomb on a sledge.....priest,morners,burriers, food carriers, and ppl.......
h.they would tunnel to the tomb and they would take the foood,clothes, and gold and jewlsss......aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
well i didnt know nothing before. its all really grosssssssss to me. also it was eduacational. ummmmmim still alive soo i guess thats a good thing.. i thought it was ok......
wellll ummm i wouldnt wanna wait 70 days to be burried......i mean seriously!!!!just let the person die!!!!!!!!!i knew alil bit before but i didnt neeed to know all that.... it was ok though...i didnt haated it.....................

Monday, September 14, 2009

chapter 5.3 review.......

1.into 30 dynasties.....
2.khufu, menkaure, khafre.....
3.mentuhotept....joseph became prime minister of egypt..
4.ahmose....they were like hyksos....
5.hatshepset.... restablished its empire in asia during this period....thutmoseIII...his succesor may have been pharoah during hebrew exodus...
7.he decided to advance egypt at any cost....made them join with syria...he attempted to destroy israel....blahhhhhh
8.anwar....negotiated with israels prime minister......
1. where the 3 largest pyramids..
2.great sphinx....god with the head of a man and the bady of a lion....
3.the kings established their capitol at thebes...
4.asiatic warriors...
5.most outstanding monarch....
6.the most important city in alexaders empire.....
7.the old testiment was translated into greek.....
8.general that gain control of egypt after alexanders death..... of egyptian life and one of the great cities of arab world...
10.completed by french engineers.....
11.took over after sadat............

walk the plank in china......

ummmm......3/10..we played together....

walk the plank........ahhhhhhhh

we played together and got a 7/10......yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

section review...chapter 5!!!!!!!!!!!blah.....

1. africa,saharah, and nile.....

2. mediterranian sea to the north.....saharah to west, and red sea to the east......

3. land of ham& seedbed of africain cultures.......

4. cultral diffusion.....

5. upper and lower egypt......lower=nile delta/upper=form delta near memphis....

6. sahara desert......

7. it was the greastest and most magnificent power in the ancient world....

8. it was a plentiful souece of building material,brick were made from mudd around the nile, papyrus plants grew around the nile.....

9. champollion....A broken slab of black basalt was found and had one message carved into threes different languages: heiroglyphics, demotic, and greek.....

10. Memphis and Thebes...

11. The pyramid....because the pharaohs were at the top, the priest and pharohs officials were on the side, and slaves and other members of Egyptian society....

12. The Egyptians worshipped in many gods and goddesses....They believed in the afterlife and man spent much of his life preparing his tomb for the afterlife...

1. Connected Africa to Asia...
2. ancient egyptians..
3. small states..
4. "father of history"...
5. At the mouth of the Nile...
6. Egyptian form of writing......
7. A book of prayers which was placed in the tombs to protect the spirits of the dead... of the dead...
9. one of the wonders of the world...
10. A teenage pharoh that died at 18.
11. preservation of the bodies of the dead...

unknown mummyyyyyyy

well we found lots of was pretty!!ummmm the pharoah that was burried. it was ok, but not the most interesting game we have played. but it wasnt completely death. but ummmm we love you ms. M........
idk what my score is....they didnt tell me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!haaaaaa

mental mummy......

well we took it together and got called mental......we got a 7/12!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

some dude.....

school.......:well rich ppl started younger. then the older kids could punish the younger ones...they would tie up their legs so they coulnd runn away if they were bad.....some lil kids got beat tooooooo....
home...:made from mudd. had small hole in the wall for windows......
Quizzz...............well we took it together and made 9/10!!!!!!!!!!!!!yayayayayaayyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!

Egyptian store game...........


Wednesday, September 9, 2009


a. What is a "stela"?
decorated stone that tells you who is burried in the tomb....
b. What type of writing did Ancient Egyptians use?
c. Once you decipher the hieroglyphs, what does it spell?
d. Once you descend into the tomb, what do you find?
pots, statues, and a casket.....
e. What do the statues represent?
Anubis god of the cemetary.......
f. Describe the gods of the Ancient Egyptians.
ppl with animal heads, the head told what power they had......
g. What are the "canopic" jars? What's in them?
they held the preseved organs of the dead person.....ewwwww
h. What is the coffin made of?
wood and coated with plaster.....
i. Each person in your group should write a 1 paragraph summary about this game and post it to your blog.
kayla: it was prolly the most interesting game we have had to play.....ummm its not that bad but it wasnt amazzzen either. at least i kinda liked it this time. but eygpt is interesting....soooo yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa
jess: well i like eygpt soooo it didnt kill me. but it came close mainly because it was on the computer..... remember they dont like me!!!!!!!!!!!!...but yeea it actually wasnt a bad game. i kinda of enjoyed it. soooo yea this is our paragraphs........yayayayayayayaaaaaayyyyyy..........

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

studddy guide.......blah

2.first king of babylon
3.there genesis is like ours
4.second empire to take over...they used iron
4.1 everest & dead sea
2.tigris euphrates,hwang ho,yellow river
3.its soo distinctly off from asia
4.deacan platue, northen plains, himalyan mountain
1.hoakido,hanshu,shukoku,kyushu fuji
3.ainu ppl
4.worship of nature............................................................................blah

Friday, September 4, 2009


1. 2ppl are wearing mawashi/thongs and facing eachother,they try to push eachother out of the ring or thterow them down.....and SIT ON THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!ahhhhhhhh
2. push them out of the ring.......and sit on them..ha probably
3. during the nara and heian period.......
4. they stay in a stable where they are coached by a retired wrestler....also they get paid by how good they are like the higher rank........ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

photo gamage.....

well it wasnt difficult!!!!!sooo that was nice!....but still we had too use a computer....blah...!!!!!!!!umm i think that this is better than doin other work i can live with it!!!we dont have much else to say bout it......ok byebye........

world exploration gamage......

we did ok it didnt give a score........ummmm i guess it was an ok game....we are not that fond of computters soo for us that is good........i aggree with morgan the woman was creepy!!!!!!!!!!!!and omg this coffee candy is sooooo yummmmmy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!amazennnnnnnn!....welll this is my paragraph....

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

JAPAN gamage.................yay

jess:6/10.....0/4....we did ok it didnt give a score...we did it....
kayla:8/10....4/4 she cheated...we did aight it didnt gve a score...we did it!!!!!!!!!!
well all the games were kind of interesting. the first game was the easist....the next was hard. then the rest were aight.we love you ms.M!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

chapter 4 review.................blah

1.tigris-euphrates,indus,& hwang ho....mesopotamia, india,& china!!!!!!!!!!!
2.1/3of the land...1/2of the ppl......!!!!!!!!!!
3.boardered by mountains & seas....himalayan mountains,northern plains,&deccan plateau....!!!!!!!!!!!!
4.hinduism-many little gods and one universal spirit...catse system-strict divison of social classes.....!!!!!!!
6.siddhartha guatama.....burma, japan, thailand, tidet, and sri lanka....!!!!!!!!
9.brittish east india company.....!!!!!!!!!!!
10.willaim carey.....!!!!!!!!!
11.trans of the bible, encouraged eduacation, wrote grammar books, improved agricultural methods, discouraged hindu practices.......!!!!!!!!!!!!
12.gandhi & nehru....!!!!!!!!!
13.indira ganadhi & rajiv gandhi
14.devoled place value and numeral system...advanced chemical principles....!!!
identify........tibet-napal boarder,highest place on earth....1309ft below sea level....

Monday, August 31, 2009

Friday, August 28, 2009

Taj Mahal.........stuffffffffffff

Who?.....Shah Jahan
Why?....burial place for his favorite wife
What?....Marble Jasper Jade Crystal Turquoise Sapphire Carnelian

2 paragraphs.......blahhhhh

Kayla: I honestly thought the game was long. It was educational, but very boring. It was kind of agrravating becaaauuuse he wouldnt leave us alone.
He got on my nerves. But history wise it wasnt bad.

Jess:well there was a little fat man telling me what to doo, so i didnt like that. I mean I didnt realy know him like that........other than that it wasnt death...but it was way too long!
and computters HAAATE me!!!!!!!!!!.......:)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

mr. indus game..........8/26/09

1. When did the Indus Valley civilization exist?
4000 years ago..
2. What countries did this civilization spread across?
Pakastan,afganistan,and india....
3. How many settlements have archaeologists discovered?
4. Which city may have been an important port city?
5. Which city was excavated by archaeologists in 1920?
6. What does “Mohenjo-Daro” mean?
mound of the dead...
7. Which is the biggest settlement archaeologists have found in the Indus Valley?

8. What type of photographs do archaeologists usually take?
aerial photograph.....
9. What’s significant about “First Street”?
it's the longest and widest street...
10. What were bricks used for there?
building house walls.....
11. Did their houses have drains?
12. What were the wells used for?
drinking water.....
13. What were the narrow drains used for?
draiin the waste away from the city....
14. What artifacts did you find using the “Excavation Map”?
plate,seal,figurine,set of weights,model cart,boxes, &statue...........
15. Finish playing the game. Each person in your group should write a TWO paragraph summary about this game and post it to your blog

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

3.2 section review...

1. Canaan, Palistine, & Israel.......Judaism, Christianity, Islam....
2. Dan/northen & Beersheba/southern....
3. Msin highway to the anciet world...
4. Ten commandmants....
5. They became a theocracy..a nation ruled by God..
6. Phoenicians....
7. David & Soloman....Ark covenant & there was peace...
8. It was divided into 2 nations israel and judah..
9. 70AD...
Abraham-father of great nation....
Patriarch-founding fathers of the nation of israel...
Moses- one of the greatest men in world history....
Covenant- solom agreement...
Theocracy-nation ruled by God..
Alphabet-phenetic system of writing..
Sinai Script- first true alphabet....
Literacy-the ability to read and write one own lang........
721bc-sameria fell to assyrians...
586bc- jerusalem fell to babyloians.................

Monday, August 24, 2009



section review......

1. place value notation
2.establisted the 1st greatest babylonian empire.
3. hittites.
4. assyrian empire.
5. ashurbaniple at ninevah
6. nabopolassai;nebuchanezzar;580bc.
7. he decreed that God gave him all the kingdoms of the earth, and charged him to build a house in jerusalem,adn those with should get up and goo...
8. Darius and Xerxes;Darius
9. ahasuerus and artaxerxes
10. they had higher reguard for the sancitity of law....

Thursday, August 20, 2009

This day in history....

August 20, 1911
First around-the-world telegram sent, 66 years before Voyager II launch
On this day in 1911, a dispatcher in the New York Times office sends the first telegram around the world via commercial service. Exactly 66 years...
4/29...On April 29, 2004, the National World War II Memorial opens in Washington, D.C., to thousands of visitors, providing overdue recognition for the 16 million U.S. men and women who served in the war.
6/9....On June 9, 2002, during the trial of David Westerfield for the murder of his seven-year-old neighbor Danielle Van Dam, the defense takes aim at the unconventional lifestyle of Damon and Brenda Van Dam, the young girl’s parents.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Iraq photos....

Photo1...crazzy ppl jumping into the river..

Photo2...some big lady doin bee keepin.......

Photo3...some man wearin a dress about to fall down the steps....

Photo4....purple maybe its a new disease..??

Photo5...a nun stealing stuff...and i thought they were holy........
4bodies og water surrounding the middle east!
Red sea,persian gulf,black sea,caspian sea....

Monday, August 17, 2009

Iraq Facts.....

a. Fact 1 - Iraq is dominated by which 2 rivers?
Tigris & Eurphates
b. Fact 2 - Rocky deserts cover about what percent of the land?
about 40%
c. Fact 3 - Are their protected natural areas in Iraq?
d. Fact 4 - What species are at risk in Iraq?
Cheetas,wild goats, & dugongs
e. Fact 5 - Describe "carp" fish.
Can grow up too 300lb
f. Fact 6 - What's gone on in Iraq during the past 15 years?
Terrorism, revolts, & wars!
g. Fact 7 - What is Iraq's nickname?
Cradle of civilization....
h. Fact 8 - Who established the first known system of laws?
i. Fact 9 - When did Babylonian rule end?
j. Fact 10 - When did Iraq become an independent country?
k. Fact 11 - What happened to Saddam Hussein?
captured & excuted..
l. Fact 12 - True or False: Iraq is one of the most culturally diverse nations.
m. Fact 13 - Today, how many Iraqis can read/write?
n. Fact 14 - When were Iraq's first democratic elections held?
January '05...
o. Fact 15 - What does Iraq have the "world's second largest supply of"?
p. Fact 16 - What's the official name of Iraq? What is the capital city? How many people live there?
Republic of Iraq....
q. Fact 17 - What is Iraq's money called?
New iraq dinar....

Geography quiz scores......
